As you can see in "Figure: The Import Points and Point File Formats dialogs" (shown previously), advanced options are available at the bottom of the Import Points dialog.
- Do Elevation Adjustment If Possible.
- Do Coordinate Transformation If Possible.
- Do Coordinate Data Expansion If Possible.
You can make an elevation adjustment if the point file contains additional columns for thickness, Z+ or Z-. To get Civil 3D to recognize these extra data columns, a new point file format is needed. You can perform a coordinate system transformation if a coordinate system has been assigned both to your drawing (under the drawing settings) and as part of a custom point format. In this case, the program can also do a coordinate data expansion, which calculates the latitude and longitude for each point.
- Point Settings
- Importing Points from a Text File
- Custom Point File Formats and Advanced Options
- Importing a Text File of Points
- Converting Points from Non–Civil 3D Sources
- A Closer Look at the Create Points Toolbar