Adding Slope Labels

To annotate a surface using slope labels, follow these steps:
  1. With the Labeling Surfaces.dwg drawing from the previous exercise still open, pan to the south where the road centerline bends at a 90-degree angle. Note the steep slope to the south of the road in this area. You want to measure and label the slope in this area to determine whether homes can be built here and/or if guardrails will be required for the road.
  2. If the Add Labels dialog box is already open, skip to the next step. If not, click one of the contours to select the surface, and then click Add Labels ➢ Add Surface Labels on the ribbon.
  3. For Label Type, select Slope.
  4. Verify that Slope Label Style is set to Percent-Existing and click Add.
  5. When prompted at the command line, press Enter to accept the default of <One-point>.
  6. Click a point to the south of the road to label the slope. Press the Esc key to end the command.
  7. Tips :This will create a label that points downhill at the one point you select. With two-point labels, you control the direction.
  8. Click the label, and then click the square grip at the midpoint of the arrow. Move your cursor across the drawing and note how the label changes.
  9. Tips :This dynamic label behavior is consistent throughout Civil 3D.
  10. Keep this drawing open for the upcoming exercise.

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