Changing Point Elevations

We’ve already discussed the idea that points placed on or along an object that has elevation will automatically inherit the object’s elevation. For the same reason, points placed with tools in the Surface flyout will automatically inherit the elevation of a surface model. If you have chosen to place points with manual elevation entry and then press when prompted to specify an elevation, the elevation will be null (no elevation).

You are never stuck with a COGO point’s elevation. It can be changed individually or as a group using the Panorama window. Additional tools are available for manipulating points (see Figure 1) in the COGO Points contextual tab that opens when you select a point object.
Point-editing commands in the ribbon
Figure 1:  Point-editing commands in the ribbon.
Elevations From Surface is an extremely handy tool for forcing points to a surface elevation (see Figure 2).
Hydrant Points as placed
hydrant points moved up to surface elevation
Figure 2:  Hydrant Points as placed (top); hydrant points moved up to surface elevation (bottom)
In the event that you change the datum, you are most likely going to move a group of points’ elevations.
  1. Right-click the name of the point group in Prospector and select Edit Points.
    Panorama will appear for your point-editing delight.
  2. Use Windows keyboard tricks to control which points are selected for modification.
    Pressing Ctrl+A will select all points in the Panorama listing, as shown in Figure 3.
    Right-click to access point-modification tools from Panorama
    Figure 3:  Right-click to access point-modification tools from Panorama.
  3. When you have finished selecting points, right-click and choose Datum.
    The command line will prompt you to specify the change in elevation you require.
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