How to Combine Several Individual Grading Designs to Create One Master Surface for the Project

Additional Exercise;

In this exercise, you combined several individual grading designs to create one master surface for the project. You then analyzed the slopes to locate problem areas and even corrected one of them. Next, you calculated earthwork volumes for the project and identified the need for design adjustments based on the findings. Finally, you used several types of annotation to convey information about your design and reveal a design flaw, which you addressed. All of these tools and skills are important in performing grading design for a project, and you will find yourself using them many times in projects to come.

Complete the additional exercise to apply some of these tools and skills to further refine the design for the example project.

Open the drawing named Grading Analysis and Labeling Beyond.dwg located in the Chapter 18 class data folder.
This drawing contains the grading design as it should be at the end of the last exercise. Continue refining the design in the following ways:
  • Adjust the road profiles and rebuild the corridor to improve the balance of cut and fill.
  • Change the surface style so that you can see the slope ranges again. Adjust building pads to eliminate red areas and provide ample green areas in the front yards for driveway installation.
  • Create slope labels for each lot to show the slope of the front yard.
  • After adjusting the corridor, you will need to adjust the building pads to account for the change in road elevation. Use the slope analysis and labels to help you adjust your design.

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