Analyzing, Displaying, and Annotating Surfaces

In “Designing New Terrain”, you experienced a few examples of using the AutoCAD® Civil 3D® software to design new terrain in the form of lot grading and pond design. With more time, you would have completed the shaping of all the lots, resulting in a grading design for the entire project. With all of the major grading design components complete (roads, lots, and pond in this example), it is now time to combine them into one complete design. Once you have done this, you can analyze the design to ensure that it meets several additional design and construction requirements. This analysis may result in the need for an adjustment to the design, at which time you begin an iterative process: design, analyze, adjust, design, analyze, adjust, and so on. You will repeat this cycle until the design is the best that time and resources permit. Once the design is optimized, you can then provide annotation that provides the necessary information for the contractor to build your design of the new shape of the land.
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