Displaying and Annotating Pipe Networks

As you have learned with other types of design that I have discussed to this point, simply designing an object or a system isn’t the end of the story. Your ability to share important information about the design is as important as the design itself. After all, without the effective sharing of information, the design cannot be properly reviewed or constructed. Pipe network design is no different, and it relies heavily on graphical appearance and annotation to convey design information.

In this discuss, you will study the use of pipe, structure, and fitting styles to control the appearance of pipe networks in plan and profile view. You will also learn about annotating pipe networks using labels and tables. In a more general sense, you will learn how to combine all of these featuresto effectively communicate the intent of your design to others.

In the Designing Gravity Pipe Networks and Designing Pressure Pipe Networks, gravity and pressure networks were presented separately because they each required a unique approach for layout and design. The stylization and annotation of gravity and pressure networks are virtually the same, however, with the only exception being the difference between fitting styles and structure styles. For this reason, most of the information in this chapter does not need to be duplicated for both types of networks as it was in the previous chapters.
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