- Open the drawing named Alignment Labels.dwg located in the Chapter 06 class data folder.
- Click the Jordan Court alignment. Then click Add LabelsAdd/Edit Station Labels on the contextual ribbon tab.
- In the Alignment Labels dialog box, do the following:
- For Type, verify that Major Stations is selected.
- For Major Station Label Style, verify that Parallel With Tick is selected.
- Click Add
- For Increment, enter 50 (20) to indicate the number of feet (meters) to increment.
Tips:Remember that values listed in parentheses are not conversions but values that would make sense in a metric environment. Fifty feet and 20 meters are not equal, but each is a reasonable increment for stationing.
- Click OK.
- Zoom in and examine the labels that have been created. Notice that a tick mark and label have been placed at 50-foot (20-meter) increments along the alignment.
- Click the Jordan Court alignment, and launch the Add/Edit Station Labels command as you did in step 2.
- In the Alignment Labels dialog box, do the following:
- For Type, select Minor Stations.
- For Minor Station Label Style, verify that Tick is selected.
- Click Add
- Change Minor Station Increment to 10 (5) to indicate the number of feet (meters) to increment.
- Click OK.
- Examine the alignment once more. Now you should see tick marks at 10-foot (5-meter) increments, which means that there are four (three) minor tick marks between the major tick marks and labels.
- Launch the Add/Edit Station Labels command once again, as you did in step 2. In the Alignment Labels dialog box, do the following:
- For Type, select Geometry Points.
- For Geometry Point Label Style,, verify that Perpendicular With Tick And Line is selected.
- Click Add
- In the Geometry Points dialog box, uncheck all boxes except Tangent-Curve Intersect, Curve-Tangent Intersect, and Reverse Curve-Curve Intersect.
- Click OK to dismiss the Geometry Points dialog box.
- Click OK to dismiss the Alignment Labels dialog box.
Tips:You can use the button at the top-right corner of the dialog box to clear all of the check boxes quickly. The boxes you check will take care of PCs, PTs, and PRCs, respectively.
- Examine the alignment labels, and note the labels at the PCs, PTs, and PRC, as shown in Figure 6.3.
Figure 6.3 Geometry point labels displayed on the Jordan Court alignment.
- Applying Labels to Alignments
- Using Alignment Label Sets
- Editing Alignment Labels
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