Understanding Sites

When working with feature lines, you have to consider the use of sites. Feature lines in the same site are “aware” of one another and will try to interact if the opportunity presents itself. For example, if one feature line crosses over another feature line in the same site, one of the feature lines will bend so that the two share the same elevation at the intersection point. The point where they intersect is called a split point. In cases where this interaction needs to be prevented, you can simply place each feature line in its own site. Figure 17.2 shows two crossing feature lines in plan view (left) and 3D view (right). Because these two feature lines are in the same site, a split point is created, causing the red feature line to bend so that it can match the green feature line.
Two crossing feature lines that occupy the same site
Figure 17.2  Two crossing feature lines that occupy the same site.
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