Renaming Pipes and Structures

Many pipe network designs involve a large number of pipes and structures. For this reason, it is good design practice to have a naming and/or numbering system that helps you keep track of these many components. Before labeling pipes and structures, you should spend some time renaming them according to the system you will use.

To rename pipes and structures in your drawing, follow these steps:
  1. Open the drawing named Renaming Pipes and Structures.dwg located in the Chapter 16 class data folder.
  2. In the viewport on the left, click the inlet at station 5+50 (0+170) that is on the east side of Jordan Court. Right-click and select Properties.
  3. In the Properties window, change the name to INLET-01.
  4. Press Esc to clear the selection, and then click the inlet across the street from INLET-01.
  5. In the Properties window, change the name to INLET-02. Press Esc to clear the selection.
  6. Click the pipe between INLET-01 and INLET-02, and change its name to STM-01.
  7. Change the name of the pipe exiting INLET-02 to the north to STM-02.
  8. Change the name of the manhole near station 3+50 (0+110) to STMH-01.
  9. Continue working along the pipe network, renaming the inlets, pipes, and manholes according to this sequence.
  10. When you get to the final structure, the endwall, name it ENDWALL-01.
  11. In Prospector, expand Pipe NetworksNetworksStorm1. Under Storm1, click Pipes. In the item view at the bottom of Prospector, the pipe names should all be updated as shown in Figure 16.7, but they may appear in a different order.
    Revised pipe names shown in the item view of Prospector
    Figure 16.7  Revised pipe names shown in the item view of Prospector
  12. Under Storm1, click Structures. In the item view at the bottom of Prospector, the values listed in the Name column should match Figure 16.8.
    Revised structure names shown in the item view of Prospector
    Figure 16.8  Revised structure names shown in the item view of Prospector
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