Applying Parcel Style Display Order

It is quite common for adjacent parcels to share one or more segments. If the adjacent parcels have different styles assigned to them, you can control which style is used for the shared segments via the Site Parcel Properties dialog box. To access this dialog box, right-click Parcels from within Prospector and select Properties. The Parcel Style Display Order list is displayed on the Composition tab, as shown in Figure Figure 13.2. When two different styles are used for adjacent parcels, the style that is higher in this list will be assigned to the shared segments. You can control the result for the shared segments by using the arrow keys, or by dragging and dropping the style names to change the order of the list.
Parcel Style Display Order shown within the Site Parcel Properties dialog box
Figure 13.2  Parcel Style Display Order shown within the Site Parcel Properties dialog box.
Typically you will want certain types of parcel line styles to always override others. For example, right-of-way lines are considered one of the most important boundaries in the drawing, so their style is often placed at the top of the list. As a result, the color and linetype of the right-of-way lines are uninterrupted throughout the drawing. On the other hand, the lot lines are considered one of the least important, so their styles are typically placed at the bottom of the list.

To apply parcel style display order to your drawing, follow these steps:
  1. Open the drawing named Applying Parcel Style Display Order.dwg located in the Chapter 13 class data folder. The drawing is zoomed in to Lot : 23, where the entire lot is outlined in blue.
  2. On Prospector, expand SitesLot Layout.
  3. Right-click Parcels and select Properties.
  4. On the Composition tab of the Site Parcel Properties dialog box, click ROW under Parcel Style Display Order.
  5. Click the upward-pointing arrow icon until ROW is at the top of the list.
  6. Click OK. Lot : 23 is now bounded by a black line on the south and east sides and a blue line on the north and west sides. The ROW parcel style is being displayed “on top of” the Lot style as dictated by Parcel Style Display Order (see Figure 13.3).
    Parcel Style Display Order at work
    Figure 13.3  Parcel Style Display Order at work.
  7. In Prospector, right-click Parcels and select Properties.
  8. Arrange the styles under Parcel Style Display Order as follows: ROW, Adjoiner, Open Space, Lot, Property, and Basic. Click OK.
  9. Zoom in to the drawing, and study the different areas where parcels of different styles are adjacent to one another. For example, the back line of lots 48 through 50 is green because the Open Space style has been placed above the Lot style in Parcel Style Display Order.
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