Editing Parcels Using the Edit Geometry Commands

When you need to modify the parcel lines and curves themselves, you can use the commands found on the Edit Geometry panel of the Parcel ribbon tab. The commands included on this panel are as follows:
Insert PIInserts an angle point into a parcel line segment.
Delete PIRemoves an angle point from a parcel line segment.
BreakCreates a gap in a parcel segment.
TrimShortens a parcel segment using some other entity as a cutting edge.
JoinJoins two parcel segments together.
Reverse DirectionChanges the direction of the parcel segment.
Edit CurveAllows you to change the radius of a parcel curve segment.
FilletReplaces an angle point with a parcel curve segment that is tangent at either end.
Fit CurveReplaces a series of parcel line segments with a parcel curve segment.
Stepped OffsetSimilar to the AutoCAD offset command, except that it prompts you for an elevation; the resulting entity is a polyline, not a parcel segment.

To perform some graphical editing using a few of these commands, follow these steps:
  1. Open the drawing named Editing Parcels Using Edit Commands.dwg located in the Chapter 12 class data folder.
  2. Zoom in to the area of the farm buildings, and notice the small triangular parcel labeled Property : 26. This parcel was created when the new parcel segments were added along the fence line.
  3. Click the Property : 26 label. If the Edit Geometry panel is not visible on the ribbon, click Edit Geometry.
  4. Click Trim on the Edit Geometry panel of the contextual ribbon. When you’re prompted for the cutting edge, select the parcel segment that is drawn along the fence. Press Enter.
  5. When you’re prompted for the objects to trim, click the west side of the small triangular parcel. The Property : 26 parcel disappears and the area of Property : 27 is updated (see Figure 12.16).
    Trimming the parcel segment has removed the small triangular parcel
    Figure 12.16  Trimming the parcel segment has removed the small triangular parcel.
  6. Press Esc to clear the current command. Pan southward and click the Property : 7 parcel label. Click Edit Curve on the ribbon.
  7. Click the curve just north of the Property : 7 label.
  8. On the Edit Feature Line Curve dialog box, enter 250 (85) for the radius value and click OK. The parcel is updated.

    Feature Line or Parcel?

    You may have noticed that the dialog box that appears when you’re editing the curve refers to the entity as a feature line. Parcel segments are close relatives of feature lines, and many of the feature line commands can be used on them. In fact, all of the Edit Geometry commands in this section work for feature lines too.
  9. Press Esc twice to clear the current command and the current selection. Zoom in to the western end of the Property : 2 parcel. Notice that there is a very narrow section of Property : 2 that is not wide enough to be usable.
  10. Click the north boundary of the Property : 2 parcel, and then click Delete PI on the ribbon. Click the triangle marker at the western end of the parcel line to delete the PI at that location.
  11. Press Esc twice to end the previous command, and then click the parcel line once again to reveal its grips. Click the westernmost grip, and snap it to the center of the red circle. The parcel geometry has been improved (see Figure 12.17).
    The western end of the parcel has been simplified
    Figure 12.17  The western end of the parcel has been simplified.
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