Applying Profile View Bands

Profile view bands can be added to a profile view along the top or bottom axis. You can use these bands to provide additional textual or graphical information about a profile. They can be configured to provide this information at even increments or at specific locations along the profile.

To add bands to a profile view, complete the following steps.
(You should still have Profile View Style.dwg open from the previous exercise.)
  1. Click one of the grid lines of the Jordan Court profile view, and then click Profile View Properties on the contextual ribbon tab.
  2. On the Information tab of the Profile View Properties dialog box, change Object Style to Major & Minor Grids 10V.
    Tips :Earlier, you used the AutoCAD® Properties window to change the profile view style. This is another way to do it.
  3. Click the Bands tab. Verify that Profile Data is selected as Band Type.
  4. Under Select Band Style, choose Elevations And Stations. Then click Add.
  5. In the Geometry Points To Label In Band dialog box, on the Profile Points tab, select Jordan Court EGCL as Profile 1, as shown in Figure 8.4. Click OK. A new entry is added to the list of bands.
    Assigning Jordan Court EGCL as Profile 1
    Figure 8.4  Assigning Jordan Court EGCL as Profile 1.
    Tips :You may have noticed the long list of geometry points in this dialog box. The band style you have selected does not include references to any of these points; therefore, no geometry point information will appear on the band.
  6. In the Profile View Properties dialog box, scroll to the right until you see the Profile 2 column. Click the cell in this column, and select Jordan Court FGCL.
  7. Click OK to dismiss the Profile View Properties dialog box and return to the drawing. Across the bottom of the profile view, there is now a band that labels the stations and elevations at even increments (see Figure 8.5). This band is designed for two profiles, so there are two sets of elevations. The elevations on the left side of each line refer to the Jordan Court EGCL profile, and the ones on the right side refer to the Jordan Court FGCL profile.
    The newly added band showing stations
    Figure 8.5  The newly added band showing stations, existing elevations (left), and proposed elevations (right).
  8. Click the profile view, and select Profile View Properties from the ribbon once again.
  9. On the Bands tab, select Horizontal Geometry as Band Type.
  10. Under Select Band Style, choose Geometry and click Add.
  11. Band Sets

    Right after step 9, you could have clicked Save As Band Set and stored the two bands as a new band set. This band set could then be imported into another profile view at a later time. This feature is quite handy when you repeatedly use the same list of bands, enabling you to avoid rebuilding the list each time.
    Band Sets
  12. Click OK to dismiss the dialog box and return to the drawing. The new band is a graphical representation of the alignment geometry. Upward bumps in the band represent curves to the right, and downward bumps represent curves to the left. The beginning and ending of each bump corresponds with the beginning and ending of the associated curve. There are also labels that provide more specifics about the horizontal geometry.
  13. Click the Jordan Court profile view; then click Profile View Properties on the ribbon. On the Bands tab, click the Horizontal Geometry band entry, and then click the red X icon to remove it.
  14. Click OK to return to the drawing. The Horizontal Geometry band is removed from the bottom of the Jordan Court profile view.

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